Following a standard code of ethics is a responsibility that falls upon every human being, whether it’s a business they are dealing with or their general daily life. Ethics teaches us about the standard foundations of a civil human society where everyone is doing their best to contribute as best as possible.
In an ideal world, everyone would apply these codes of ethics and we would be free from chaos and disorder. However, we can still make sure to do our part and try to be the best versions of ourselves as we learn and implement these ethical principles in our lives.
Not only should we adopt these codes of ethics on a personal level, but we should also advocate this goodness as much as we can to the people around us; our coworkers, our friends and families, our juniors, and even our seniors. As humans, we never really stop learning. And if one day, we develop an arrogant notion that we have learned all there is to learn, that is where we will end up failing the code of ethics.
In this article, we have gathered 12 of the most important codes of ethics to help you recall what your elders and teachers might have already relayed to you. Reminding ourselves of the best daily practices, both physical and spiritual, is crucial in today’s fast-paced world. Getting lost in the rush of the 21st century is a true struggle these days. But let’s try our best to stick to what matters the most, what remains in the essence of who we are, and who we should be.
Code of Ethics:

1. Honesty

The first code of ethics we’ll discuss is Honesty. No relationship can survive without trust and honesty; whether it’s professional or personal. We must ensure that our intentions are crystal clear to others so as not to spread misguidance. A pure-hearted person won’t have to hide behind several masks.
However, we tend to struggle with honesty the most when it comes to difficult situations. What if I hurt them with my words? What if I cause more trouble? What if I get in trouble? So many what if’s… Still, this code of ethics guides us to be straightforward no matter the situation. Hiding the truth will only create more hurdles. Honesty is the best policy, right?
2. Fairness

In trade and in behavior, fairness is essential. It doesn’t matter if you’re a merchant selling goods or a teacher scolding their students, you have to maintain order by implementing the right rules and logic.
Every code of ethics encourages us to be just in our dealings, especially this one. Another way we should practice fairness in our daily lives is to be consistent with our behavior with others and avoid favoring one person or condition while demeaning another.
3. Leadership

Being a leader is a huge responsibility. You have to diligently delegate tasks, know each subordinate’s skills, weaknesses, and attitudes, and take everyone together as a team.
To master ideal organizational behavior, one must achieve a perfect understanding of this code of ethics. Dealing fairly with everyone while handling arduous business affairs is a major duty that falls onto a leader’s shoulders. This role demands stoicism, fairness, and equality.
4. Accountability
Taking responsibility for one’s actions is one of the most important codes of ethics. We are all accountable for the consequences of our actions. For example, if a waiter breaks a glass at a restaurant and doesn’t tell anyone or worse, blames it on someone else, this will only foster more chaos.
Simply accepting reality and owning your mistakes will not only show a great sign of bravery but will also contain the matter before it gets out of hand.
5. Integrity

People with strong character don’t let their integrity waver no matter how difficult a situation they might find themselves in.
If one has uncompromising integrity and morals, they truly are some of the most impressive people alive. Not only do they hold themselves to a high standard but also inspire those around them to strengthen their code of ethics. Such an upstanding individual would be a great leader.
6. Compassion

Surely, you’ve heard of the phrase “putting yourself in someone else’s shoes” before – this sums up compassion pretty perfectly.
Realizing what a tough time someone might be going through and wanting to help them is compassion. And what’s even better is if you’re in a position to help them, you should always go the extra mile and make that effort. Whatever you put out in the world is sure to come back to you, so let it be all the good you can manage.
And if you are powerless against their struggles, even passing a smile, a kind word, or sharing a snack with them might be all that they need to get through the day.
7. Respect

Treat others how you want to be treated. Everyone deserves respect regardless of their background, race, religion, profession, or status. The Hospitality industry is a perfect example of this. Each staff member has to answer to their customer in the same polite way regardless of their rank. Even the CEO has to answer to the guest with extreme humility and courtesy despite his or her esteemed rank.
This code of ethics is crucial when it comes to how one handles their affairs. Moreover, we must respect each others’ beliefs, opinions, and decisions – this can be made easier when we realize that each person is their own man or woman and has the right to spend their lives how they want.
8. Responsibility

We all have some responsibilities in life. A student has to give their best to study to ensure a bright future. A professor has to invest time and effort to relay relevant teachings to their students. A doctor has to work laboriously to save their patients.
Everyone has unique roles to play in this world throughout different stages of their lives. Some roles are more important than others. Taking responsibility for your actions is also applicable in this code of ethics. Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility.
9. Loyalty

Commitment. To your studies, your loved ones, your career, your company/business, to whatever it is that matters.
Staying true to the valuable aspects of your life is what makes your victories taste sweeter. Developing a sense of belonging and honestly living up to the best standards is all that is needed.
10. Respect For The Law

Every country, city, and society has a basic set of laws that its inhabitants have to follow. If we look at a deeper level, every establishment/institute has laws and rules as well. Were it not for these laws, pure chaos would ensue.
Any decent, law-abiding citizen should know to go about their day within the bounds of the best lawful practices to ensure a peaceful environment for themselves and those around them.
11. Transparency

Honesty and transparency go hand in hand. This code of ethics is related to the first one mentioned in this article. Transparency is what will make you trustworthy.
Financial reports, project summaries, client proposals, and even personal matters should all be dealt with, with transparency. You shouldn’t have to hide anything from the people who stand to be affected by you in one way or another.
12. Environmental Concerns

With growing global warming and climate changes, everyone is slowly adopting eco-friendly practices like using metal straws and reusable tote/cloth bags instead of plastic products, saving as much water and electricity as possible, and investing in more tree plantations.
This code of ethics is a highly tangible one as it asks us to change our daily habits to fight pollution and take on as many sustainable practices as possible.

To spend a righteous life while creating a comfortable environment for those around you, following these codes of ethics is essential. Though it might not seem like it at times, we are always affecting others in one way or another.
Evolution is inevitable. But we must evolve in a positive direction. Ensuring that we keep refining our habits and ethical values as we progress through life is our responsibility.
No one is perfect. We shouldn’t pressure ourselves to be either. What truly matters is that we don’t give up and keep trying. Day by day. To do better; to become better; to eventually inspire others to do the same.
Expecting honesty from others in a world filled with propaganda and misinformation to derail you from your ultimate goals is exhausting. Maintaining that practice yourself is even harder. However, this should only serve as more motivation for us to do better, to become better.
Even if you might start questioning your moral compass at times, you must not give up; and must not give in to the harshness of this rapidly changing world. Recalling these codes of ethics time and time again will be sure to support you in those tiresome times.
Change starts from individual hearts first. From each home, each person’s efforts eventually come to shape a better society, community, and world. We hope that our insights on some of these basic codes of ethics motivated you to promote a more positive environment around you as you continue to foster relationships built on trust, honesty, fairness, and more.